Tips for Creating A Pretty Porch


So many of you readers are from around the country, which means some of you are lucky enough to be able to have parties and entertain outdoors year round….for those of you in that position….I’ll admit, this Connecticut girl is green with envy. I find so much joy in basking in the beauty of nature. Don’t mistake what I said now. I’m not the kind of girl that likes to sleep with the bugs camping or anything like that. No thank you!!! But what I am saying is that on the weekend, or in the evening after work, there is nothing more enjoyable than sitting on my porch, looking out on the beautiful lawn and taking in the beauty that God has graced us with. It’s like an escape for me. It’s that time I get to physically unwind and take a mental break. Admittedly I need to work on “unplugging” when I basque in that little heaven of me time. I struggle, as I’m sure many of you do, to put down my smart phone and just be. Yeah…I’m working on that. It’s hard. I’m kind of……addicted! It’s a work in progress for me but I’m trying.

Now back to our regularly scheduled program…”tips for creating a pretty outdoor space” Our outdoor space on our back deck is simple but elegantly set up for taking in some R&R, which is why I thought “I should do a post on this” haha…always having my thinking hat on. Below are tips for setting up your very own outdoor oasis.


TIP 1: Incorporate Flowers & Plants – I love the use of pretty flowers and green plants.  What’s not to love? They come in all shapes and sizes, scented and unscented, annual or perennial…flowers are little buds of heaven. What I love the most about using them is the texture and softness they add to a space. Everything is just a bit more “pretty” when flowers and plants are incorporated. Here I chose to use hydrangeas because of the color and texture they add to the space. They are hearty when they are well maintained and hydrated and they come in so many pretty colors. Chose flowers that you know you will take care of. If you don’t have a lot of time green plants may be a better option for you as they don’t require as much deadheading of old leaves and blooms and they are easier to bring back to life if you have “one of those weeks” when nothing get done. I’ve been there LOL. The rustic planter pots I picked up from the Home Depot and knew they would be just right on our porch.


TIP 2: Incorporate Mood Lighting – I LOVE candles…yeah…like jump on the sofa on Oprah like Tom Cruise love candles, so I think its really nice to use them outdoors as well. Lanterns come in so many shapes, sizes, finishes and price points that you are bound to find some that fit into your style and are an ideal way to display and use candles safely. The galvanized lantern I got from the Home Depot and the white lantern from Pier 1


Tip 3: Incorporate Resting Places – Since you will be spending so much time out there, often sipping on some lemonade or a tasty cocktail make sure you incorporate the use of resting places. You will be laying out drinks and snacks when you take some R & R or entertain, so you will want to make sure to have a few tables for you and your guests to use. Ensure there is at least one resting place on either side of your seating so that guests don’t feel awkward looking for a place to rest their beverages.  I use a few tables I found for only $20 each at the flea market. It’s nice to use perfectly imperfect furniture pieces in case someone forgets to use a coaster or spills a drink on the table, you won’t mind the after math watermarks that could be left behind. The beautiful drinking glasses I got from Joss and Main the blue enamel bowl from Hobby Lobby and the galvanized tray from Decor Steals


Dispenser from Target

Tip 4: Shop Used – The one tip I will definitely tell you I love the most is shopping used. I have gotten so many good items from tag sales and craigslist over the years it’s not even funny. You save SO much money shopping used. I got all 4 pieces of my wicker patio set for $100 dollars on craigslist. It was a deal I couldn’t pass up and the furniture has held up so well over the years. Flea markets are another good source for shopping used.

I hope today you have been inspired to take a little time and create an outdoor space that makes you smile each time you enjoy it.