My Kitchen Buffet Wall Makeover


Happy Humpday loves, the sun is shining, I’m feeling alive and will be having a photoshoot today. A good day ahead indeed. Oh my this is a project long on the “must do” list. I’ve been unhappy with this wall area in my kitchen for some time now. I  wasn’t quite sure when I would get to it but I knew that it was just so “blah” in my opinion and needed more. At first I was just going to add a photo in the blank space you see here on this post but then I saw this milk paint from Old Barn Milk Paint and the decision was made to do a complete makeover of the entire space starting with the kitchen buffet.

If you follow me on Instagram then you saw me working on the buffet piece and painting it a few weeks ago. The process was super easy. The color I chose to paint the kitchen buffet was sweet cream The milk paint comes in powder form. You will then follow the directions on how to mix it. The BEST part about this paint and I mean THE VERY BEST PART is that it gets chippy all by itself. So that means you don’t have to sand it to give it a distressed looks. Some parts of the paint will bubble up itself and you simply use a paint scrapper to gently take those areas off. OMG like literally I about died seeing that bubbling magic happening on the kitchen buffet right in front of my eyes. Since I’m such a big fan of old chippy furniture, I will certainly be using this again.  The final steps is to seal it with the oil or wax that is sold on the website. I chose to use the oil and a I applied two coats. I did that only to give it more durability since the buffet is heavily used by us.

TIPS: Make sure that you use a bowl (or something disposable) for mixing the paint that you don’t care about. Because the paint will dry and be VERY VERY hard to come off. Took me two days to get the paint off the bowl. It was a favorite cooking bowl, so I wanted to use it again. Also, if you are painting the piece indoors, even if you aren’t really, lay down a drop cloth under the piece you are using so that as you chip away at the bubbled up paint it falls on here. There were a ton of chips, so I’m really happy this was laid down. Made clean up super easy and quick.

old barn milk paint

old barn milk paint


open shelving ideas

I knew with this makeover, if I was going to do it, I was going to do it right. Adding open shelving is just part of having a farmhouse style kitchen and I wanted to do just that. I measured the width of the buffet and had Home Depot cut a piece of wood in two that fit nicely with the width of the buffet. We also picked up the stain and brackets from there. The Farmhouse Sign I found months ago at HomeGoods and it’s just been sitting in the closet waiting to make an appearance, whenever and wherever that would be. When I picked it up, I did’t have an ideas as to where it would go I just loved it.  The JUG bowl I found just a few days ago at Home Goods.

kitchen buffet

farmhouse kitchen

Any farmhouse has vintage items mixed into the styling. Whether you have a French farmhouse or modern farmhouse style, heading to the flea markets, tag sales, vintage shops and thrift markets is a must do in scoring some vintage items for styling your open shelves.

farmhouse kitchen

Overall I couldn’t be more happier with how this whole area turned out.

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